> Practical info > Regulatory info

Regulatory information and copyright www.assuratome.fr web site (in French)  

Welcome, you are connected the website of Assuratome.

Navigating on this site implies from your behalf acceptance of all user terms stated hereafter.


Tour W
Défense 8
F- 92042  Paris-la-Défense Cedex
Téléphone :  33 (0) 1 47 76 53 13

Directeur de la publication

M. Henri GURS

Conception & Réalisation

Lollicode SARL







Any claim arising from or related to, a visit to our Assuratome site will be a matter of French and international jurisdiction in respect of copyright and intellectual property laws. All copyright rights are reserved, including for downloaded documents as well illustrated extracts and pictures.
Partially or entire reproduction of this site on any electronic medium is prohibited without preliminary permission.       

Printing off texts of this site is permitted, in particular for educational aids, with the exclusion of any form of advertising, and under the condition that the 3 following conditions are simultaneously fulfilled:

For all other uses, please contact us.

No personal information is collected without your knowing, or transmitted to third parties, or used for other reasons.

According the law n° 78-17 of 6 January 1978 related to Data Processing, Filing and Individual Liberty, you have a right to access and rectify your nominal information.

For that, yoy have to contact :


Tour W
Défense 8             
92042  Paris la Défense Cedex       

The electronic mails which we receive through our website are kept; the data contained in these mails will not be transferred or sold to third parties for any reason, especially commercial reasons.

The information shown on our website is for informative and general purposes solely.

Terms of website use

The website users are under the obligation to respect the arrangements of the law related to Data Processing, Filing and Individual Liberty, for which non-compliance is liable to penalties. In particular, they are prohibited to collect nominal data by quests, misuse and more generally, to use any ways that are liable to invasion of privacy or injury to reputation.

Users and visitors of this website are not allowed to establish a link from any website without prior permission from Assuratome.

Confidentiality on limited access website spaces

Access to the reserved website space is secured, which warrants confidentiality of the communicated data. Consultation of these reserved website spaces is authorised in the scope of the access given by Assuratome.  Users having access rights to the reserved website space are not authorized to disclose their identification and access codes to third parties.

Website users are not allowed to establish a link to these limited access website spaces of the Assuratome website.

The hypertext links established in the scope of the Assuratome website to other websites will not commit the liability of Assuratome, and are solely made to allow the internet user to access to other sources of data.

Intellectual property rights

This website is property of Assuratome, trade association regulated by the Commercial Law, enrolled in the register of Companies and Commerce under the number N° RCS Nanterre C 784 386 070 – APE 652 E.

Exemption of liability

It is up to the user to take all necessary precautions for properly surfing on the website, in particular in order to protect against transmitting viruses, or against any installation of computer programs on the user’s computer, without knowing or against the user’s will. Assuratome refuses to accept any responsibility related to the direct or indirect damage cause par surfing on its website or on a linked external website


For any information or to report us errors or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us :           

Tour W
Défense 8             
92042  Paris la Défense Cedex      
Telephone :  + 33 (0)1 47 76 53 13   


Project management:         Lollicode SARL    
Graphic standards             Lollicode SARL / Assuratome          
Contents management       Assuratome
Pictures                                Orano; ONET ; ILL ; Défense92      

Graphic design, pictures and multimedia supplies cannot be reproduced without preliminary permission of the legal person holding the copyrights.