- insured events like fire, explosion, natural hazards, water damage, …
- nuclear damage following criticality accident, radioactive contamination or irradiation,
Reinsurance can also be granted for other type of coverage, like Machinery Breakdown, Business Interruption, or costs for conducting the Nuclear Installation into a Secure State.
Natural Catastrophies are also reinsured and are ceded by Assuratome to the CCR.
The terrorism coverage are directly ceded to GAREAT by the insurer.
Furthermore, Assuratome also grants Construction All Risks / Erection All Risks (CAR/EAR type of coverages), allowing nuclear operators or industrial companies to cover, inside a nuclear site, construction work of new installations, overhaul of existing industrial installations or dismantling / clean-up of decommissionned nuclear plants.
Technical surveys are conducted by our specialised engineers in order to get a good vision of the covered risks.